Daughters of Zion

Welcome to our department! We're dedicated to serving and nurturing our community through various activities. Join us in making a positive impact together.

About DOZ

The sisterhood ministry (Daughters of Zion) is a department in the SEKU Christian Union composed of all the ladies in the Christian Union. It conducts its affairs in accordance to the union's objectives and typically strives to meet the spiritual, social and emotional needs of ladies in the congregation. It has a well-structured leadership right from the coordinator who is also the church mum, the chairperson, treasurer, secretary, advisors and first year representatives with defined roles as indicated in the constitution. The slogan of the department is We are the DOZ and the response is We are one of a kind.

DOZ Objectives

The Daughters of Zion (DOZ) department aims to promote ladies empowerment in the union by creating inclusive leadership opportunities, offering mentorship programs and organizing events that highlight the achievement of ladies. Furthermore, it strives to promote open dialogue on gender equality and address relevant issues that ladies face in their time in campus.


The sisterhood ministry conducts their activities at least thrice per semester including the DOZ week, mentorship programs and the coming together as family groups to share ideas and solve the issues that may be facing them. During the DOZ week all the activities in the union are done by the ladies right from morning devotions, evening fellowships, creative arts, praise and worship and the welfare in the church.


We normally have a talk which brings the ladies together and they major on a topic and afterwards have games and bonding to tease their minds and energise their bodies. The mentor-mentii relationship is renewed after every academic year when new members join the union. All these activities strive to ensure that ladies are not neglected and that their participatory roles are not neglected.

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